Campaign chair Hilary Jubert met with Horsham MP Jeremy Quin at the crossing on the morning of the memorial event and sent this message:
“Jeremy wholeheartedly supports the building of a bridge and will be actively lobbying for WSCC to do parallel studies into a Pegasus crossing AND a bridge, the bridge being the preferred option from the first study.
We shared the view that a Pegasus crossing will not be feasible in terms of the limitations of the site, or safe in terms of controlling the traffic.
We also shared the view that the benefits of a bridge go way beyond the first criteria of safety, and widen to include accessibility to all users, health benefits of outdoor exercise, tourism opportunities and eco-friendly travel modes. All free at the point of use in this cost of living crisis.

To this end, Jeremy will help us explore other funding opportunities such as levelling up funds applied for by HDC.
It is excellent to have him on board with our campaign.”
You can support the campaign by writing to your local County councillor, displaying one of our posters and signing up for email updates.