“All I want for Christmas is to Bridge the Downs Link!”

Over the Christmas holidays a banner appeared at the dangerous A281 crossing on the Downs Link close to the spot where Pathushan Sutharsan was killed in July 2020. It read: “All I want for Christmas is to Bridge the Downs Link!” The banner was later joined by flowers left by Pathushan’s family who regularly visit […]
Sussex Ramblers call for a bridge at dangerous A281 Downs Link crossing, opening up route to more diverse users

The Sussex Ramblers have joined the growing list of organisations calling for a bridge at the dangerous crossing of the A281 on the Downs Link at Rudgwick. David Purcell, West Sussex Area Footpath Officer for the group, said: “The current crossing presents a very significant risk to all users due to the high volume of […]
Cross-party support for a bridge at dangerous A281 Downs Link crossing

The campaign for a bridge at the A281 Downs Link crossing has drawn support from right across the political spectrum. Politicians from all locally represented parties (and none) have now backed calls for a bridge at the dangerous crossing. County and district councillors – along with Horsham’s MP Jeremy Quin and the local parish council […]
Another West Sussex County Councillor joins calls for a bridge at dangerous A281 Downs Link crossing

Sarah Sharp, West Sussex County Councillor for Chichester South Division, joins the growing number of politicians calling for WSCC to “act quickly” to make the dangerous crossing safe for future generations. Sarah says: “A bridge is clearly the solution that keeps as many people as possible safe whether they walk, cycle or ride horses.” No […]
Horsham & Crawley Lib Dems pledge support for campaign to build a bridge at dangerous Downs Link crossing

The Horsham & Crawley Liberal Democrat group have given their full support to the Bridge the Downs Link campaign. The campaign was set up following the death of Pathushan Sutharsan who was killed at the A281 crossing while taking part in a charity bike ride. Group Secretary Bob Wheatcroft said: “The Downs Link is a […]
Deaf Downs Link user urges WSCC to build a bridge at A281 crossing so no-one risks “being killed by the oncoming traffic”

Melody Pilgrim who is deaf and partially sighted is a keen walker, runner and cyclist who regularly uses the Downs Link. She chooses the Downs Link because it’s near her home in Horsham and it offers a safe environment. There’s just one problem: the A281 crossing at Rudgwick. For Melody “crossing the main road at […]
Ghost bike for Pathushan Sutharsan placed at lethal A281 Downs Link crossing for annual charity bike ride

Last Saturday riders on the London to Brighton Off-Road Bike Ride were seen streaming along the Downs Link between Cranleigh and Bramber on their way to the coast. The charity bike ride which is held annually in aid of the British Heart Foundation involves crossing the A281 at Rudgwick where Pathushan Sutharsan was killed during […]
Horsham MP praises the “wider benefits” of a Downs Link bridge at dangerous A281 crossing

In a post on his Facebook page, Horsham MP Jeremy Quin has expressed his support for the Bridge the Downs Link campaign. “I am delighted that because of the wider economic and social benefits for the area and the safety benefits to riders, cyclists, walkers and indeed those using the A281, HDC have applied for […]
Bridge the Downs Link in the news: Call for bridge to be named after cyclist killed on charity ride

Following the memorial event held on Saturday the West Sussex County Times published an online report. Pathushan Sutharsan was taking part in a charity bike ride on the Downs Link when he was killed by a lorry at the A281 crossing. You can support the campaign by writing to your local County councillor, displaying one of our posters and signing […]
Large attendance at memorial event for Pathushan Sutharsan as his family calls for a bridge to be named after him

Over 60 people attended the memorial event marking two years since Pathushan Sutharsan was killed on the Downs Link: his family and friends, local residents and those from further afield concerned about the dangerous crossing. Paul Sathianesan, a close friend of the family, spoke movingly of Pathushan’s life, a talented and selfless young artist who […]